Essay/Term paper: Garlic
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I am doing this project because I think it would be interesting to
figure out different things about medicinal plants and, I decided to try to
focus on garlic because, for reason it is a medicinal plant and there is a range
of reasons why garlic is important to us but there are things we need to be
aware of though.
For about 5000 years garlic has been known to reduce blood cholestrol
levels. Garlic tastes very hot, dry, and pungent. The cloves (a part of the
garlic plant) are used mostly for infections, especially for such symptoms as:
chest problems, some digestive disorders, blood sugar levels; and so, can be
helpful in later-onsets of diabetes. Sometimes, the cloves are efffective for
some types of skin infections and acne. Garlic is best used if it is fresh.
Things to be aware of about garlic: Garlic acts as a natural heating
element inside the human vody; and can irritate the stimach. Do not take garlic
in theapuetic classes during pregnacys, and lactating mothers. Garlic can also
cause stomach problems, such as heartburn.
Garlic's strong aromatic action helps cleanses the body's lings, and
skin. To help reduce the strong odor of garlic; it has been suggested to eat
gresh parsly. To eliminate the odor of garlic from the mouth (breath).